Vanita Vishram is a more than 110 Years old non –profit organization whose activities are aligned to fulfill the mission of the founders, viz., to ensure empowerment and self –reliance of women in our society. Founded in the year 1907 by Late Mrs. Shivgauri Gajjar and Late Mrs. Bajigauri Munshi, Vanita Vishram has always been striving hard to fulfill the mission and vision of its founders. Vanita Vishram, with its unwavering commitment towards women’s empowerment, has more than 20 units in its fold which contains educational institutes, exclusively for females, starting from pre-primary schooling to post-graduation in arts, commerce, science, home science, nursing and management besides several vocational courses such as fashion designing. A total of more than 13,000 girls are enrolled in various courses. It also has centers like day care units, beauty salon, widow upliftment center, sports complex, etc. In addition, the campus has Girls Hostels which can accommodate 300 girls.
Women’s Empowerment has become the buzzword in the present –day affairs where women have carved a niche of their own in the academic and corporate sectors and Vanita Vishram has played a missionary role in achieving this objective.
Recently, Vanita Vishram has added one more feather in its cap, viz. “Vanita Art Gallery”.
This gallery provides much needed platform in Surat to reputed artists to showcase their creations and also provides inspiration for aspiring, upcoming artists. The Gallery is situated right in the heart of the city , in the century old heritage building which is surrounded by lush green campus , having ample space for not only the exhibitions but also for the vehicle parking! Vanita Art Gallery provides 2650 Sq. feet area for the display and is having all facilities which an artist would like to have.
The management of Vanita Vishram earnestly hopes that the art loving public of Surat will welcome this modern state-of-the art facility and the artists from all over India as well as across the globe will exhibit their artworks in “Vanita Art Gallery”.
- Opening Invitation of Vanita Art Gallery
- Exhibition 2019
- 1st Exhibition of 2020
- 2nd Exhibition of 2020
- Reopening of Vanita Art Gallery
- #urja2021 #vanitaartgallery
- Invitation #urja2021 #vanitaartgallery
- About urja 2021 #vanitaartgallery
- About urja 2021 #vanitaartgallery
Rules & Regulations for the Users of VANITA ART GALLERY
Vanita Vishram is a more than 110 Years old non –profit organization whose activities are aligned to fulfill the mission of the founders, viz.,to ensure empowerment and self –reliance of women in our society. Vanita Vishram, with its unwavering commitment towards women’s empowerment, has more than 20 units in its fold which contains educational institutes, exclusively for females, starting from pre-primary schooling to post-graduation in arts, commerce, science, home science, nursing and management besides several vocational courses.
“Vanita Art Gallery” provides much needed platform in Surat to reputed artists to showcase their creations and also provides inspiration for aspiring, upcoming artists. The Gallery is situated right in the heart of the city , in the century old heritage building which is surrounded by lush green campus , having ample space for not only the exhibitions but also for the vehicle parking!
Information about Vanita Art Gallery and tariff:
Place | Dimensions | Details | Tariff / day *, excluding taxes |
Gallery 1 # | 28’ 6” X 34’ 6” | 54 lights, fully airconditioned | 5000 Rs. |
Gallery 2 # | 49’ 0” X 34” 6’ | 96 lights, fully airconditioned | 7000 Rs. |
1) The above-mentioned galleries are available from 11 A.M. to 8 P.M.,
*Check for any discounted schemes if running at the time of booking
* Applicable taxes/GST must be paid separately apart from above mentioned charges
# Gallery drawings are attached with the form for ready reference
2) At the time of booking, a deposit of Rs.10,000/- will be taken through cheque/demand draft/cash. Moreover, the remaining amount must be deposited at-least 7 days before the actual date of programme. The access to the provisions will only be allowed thereafter. Online booking can also be done in the following way :
HDFC Bank, Account No.: 50100203341213, IFSC Code: HDFC0001707
3) Booking cancellation charges will be refunded* as follows:
Cancellation Period | Deposit refund status |
30 days before exhibition | No refund |
31 days to 90 days before exhibition | 50% refund |
91 days to 121 days before exhibition | 75% refund |
121 days before exhibition | 100% refund |
* Refund will be made by cheque within 15 days after intimation.
4) Every Exhibitor shall have to forward minimum 10 work samples to management at-least 20 days prior to exhibition along with the biodata of artist and synopsis of the work, which is going to be displayed during exhibition. Exhibition space shall be offered to artists or art institutes which are considered deserving among the applicants. It is suggested that the artwork should be innovative/ creative, free from the copying. Gallery booking shall be confirmed after scrutiny of the work forwarded by the exhibitor. In case, the work samples are forwarded in hard copies (like photographs), then the same shall not be returnable.
5) Vanita Vishram Art Gallery reserves the right to reject any Application without assigning any specific reason.
6) If the user utilizes the allotted space for an extra hour beyond the specified time, additional charge of Rs. 1000/- will be taken per gallery.
7) Light bill at the rate of Rs. 15/- per unit will be charged separately from the applicable rent and taxes. Currently, the Art Gallery building doesn’t have any power generator system.
8) Posters, banners or any such items are not allowed to be displayed or hanged in the premises of Vanita Art Gallery. The exhibitors can display the relevant poster on the notice-board of the gallery. The posters of commercial or promotional nature that are irrelevant to the contents of the exhibition must not be displayed on the notice-board.
9) The Exhibitors shall not hold the Management of Vanita Art Gallery responsible for the security of their exhibition artefacts or any of their belongings.
10) All sorts of hazardous materials are strictly prohibited on the premises of Art Gallery and are liable for punishment. Moreover, all the entry and exit points should be kept free and without any obstacles.
11) The Management of Vanita Art Gallery regrets that it has no storage space at present, and therefore, the artefacts cannot be stored in the gallery before or after the show.
12) The gallery shall be used for the purpose of art exhibitions and such other programs as are approved by the Management to encourage art and artistic efforts, subject to the payment of fees as laid down by the Management.
13) Any form of art, which conveys nudity, religiously sensitive or politically sensitive messages, shall not be displayed. In case of such event, management reserves right to remove such objects.
14) It is implied that any member or representative of the Management or gallery staff or any person authorized by the Management shall have full authority to enter in any part of the gallery during its use by the applicants.
15) It is suggested that display of art work should be done aesthetically, so that not to create congestion of art on walls in the gallery.
16) All food items are strictly prohibited in the Art Gallery. In case, the exhibitor requires extra chairs or other provisions, he/she should consult the administrative office.
17) Management is not responsible for any technical malfunction such as that of AC / fans / lights etc. or power cuts from the electric company during the exhibition. However, all necessary assistance will be provided.
18) No damage should be done to any furniture, fixtures, display panels, walls, pedestals or any property of the gallery even by affixing labels/ fixing pins/nails etc… during the exhibition. During live paintings/ similar activities, any damage to floors must not be done. In the case of any damage, the actual amount of the damaged provision will be recovered from the exhibitor.
19) Vanita Vishram will not be responsible for any the theft or damage done to the artefacts by any visitor. The booking agency/person has to take the necessary legal action regarding the same.
20) The applicant will have to procure any government registration/approval/license if required and the same must be submitted to the office at the time booking.
21) The applicant will be responsible for maintaining the protocol of any visiting VIP guest.
22) Those who can not be accommodated will be put on a waiting list and will be offered gallery space against cancellations. Amount paid by the waitlisted will be refunded if their application can not be considered.
23) If at any given time, it comes to notice of the Management that the applicant has behaved in unlawful manner or made false statements or likely to transgress any of the rules and regulations relating to booking of gallery, permission granted to the applicant(s) shall be cancelled forthwith. In such instance, the gallery shall not be liable to refund any fees already paid by the applicant(s). The management is not responsible for any loss or damage to the applicant(s) arising due to such event.
24) The applicant (s) shall not give, transfer, submit or sub-let any portion of the gallery or its properties to any other person or organization. The management reserves right to remove forthwith any such transferee and shall not be liable for any loss or damage on whatsoever ground.
25) If the gallery is required to be closed for reasons beyond its control, such as strikes/ natural calamities or special government notification, no refund or rent will be made by the gallery. However management shall try to allot another day in lieu of the closed day.
26) Vanita Vishram Management reserves the right to make necessary changes in the above-mentioned rates, rules and regulations from time to time.
27) It is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to observe and follow above mentioned rules and regulations.
28) If any legal liabilities arising out of non-complaints of above, then it will be the sole responsibility of the exhibitor.
Rules & Regulations for the Users of VANITA ART GALLERY in line with guidelines issued by government due to COVID-19 pandemic
(1) At all the times during exhibition, the guidelines issued by government towards Covid Pandemic shall be followed by exhibitor as well as visitors and responsibility of adherence by visitors shall be with exhibitor. Mainly, which are (i) Wearing mask in proper manner at all the times when one is in Vanita Vishram campus (ii) While entering the art gallery, compulsory use of hand sanitiser (iii) Maintain social distance while entering the gallery, in the gallery and in all premises of Vanita Vishram campus (iv) Allow to conduct temperature screening while entering campus /Gallery (v) Follow any other guideline which may be issued by government time to time
(2) At a time, not more than 20 people shall be allowed in first floor where by gallery is situated, irrespective of the fact that exhibitor has hired gallery 1 or 2 or both. This holds true for inauguration event as well. There shall not be any eatables served during inauguration / other days of exhibition event. In case, exhibitor wants to have inauguration function, the same shall be conducted outdoors with prior permission of Vanita Vishram administration office
(3) On inspection from regulatory authorities during exhibition and on finding the case of non adherence to the guidelines issued by government, penalty shall be levied. The exhibitor shall be responsible to pay/bear any such penalties and shall be responsible for any punitive action imposed by government authority. Vanita Vishram shall not be responsible for any such act by exhibitor
(4) In case, in between the exhibition/ after the booking of gallery and before the starting of exhibition, if any regulation by government gets changed and due to any circumstances, if exhibition is required to be cancelled/ some norms get changed, Vanita Vishram shall not be responsible for such changes OR cancellation of the event
(5) Exhibitor shall maintain the record of visitors name, address and contact numbers which can be provided upon inquiry by regulatory authorities OR Vanita Vishram management
(6) Display of the art shall be such arranged that it helps to maintain social distance by visitors
(7) Artists/ exhibitors shall not be able to keep any table for discussion inside the gallery and will have his terminal outside the gallery and will avoid any long discussions inside the gallery
(8) Airconditioning temperature shall be maintained between 24 to 30°C
(9) Vanita Vishram Management reserves the right to make necessary changes in the above-mentioned rules and regulations from time to time without prior notice